Wednesday, March 23, 2011

right now

These early spring days in Ottawa are delightful.

Right now, we see the warming grass breaking through the last bits of ice.

The first bits of green.

Raincoats and wind jackets instead of woolens.

Little icebergs breaking off from the Ottawa River ice, charging through the chilly waters.

We just can't seem to wait to grow things outside, so we started a little windowsill garden.

And made a gear box with a cracker box, shish-kebab stick, some potato pieces and toothpicks.

And baked some delicious Sally Lunn (for all intents and purposes, a challah) bread.

And made our own rainbows with the fabulous Stockmar window wax crayons... and some recycled ones of our own in the tiniest little muffin cups I've ever seen.

And delighted in the warming sun.

And the growing boy.


  1. oh the belly! at least it appears you're keeping some sense of style. I've been resorting to my my husbands oversized hoodies some days...

  2. Is that a pineapple in a jar? Beautiful spring!

  3. amazing to see ice floating in the river! {never happens here!}.
    yay for your growing boy :)
