Sunday, March 13, 2011

building in 3D

My 4 year old daughter is incredibly interested in how things work, and how things are put together. Plumbing. Pipes. Tools. Roofs. Architecture. Engineering.

Paper and scissors and glue become tools to build buildings, and objects in 3D. Sculptures of sorts.

(Below, a house built with a chimney and ceiling light hanging down)

As a parent and someone who has always struggled to see, to visualize in 3D, watching her ease at envisioning in three dimensions is refreshing. I'm learning so much.

The top of a chuck wagon made with a cork for a chimey, a box with various flags (where the chuck wagon had visited).

The chuck wagon owner sitting in the windowsill.

Plus it's a fabulous way to upcycled bits of things around the house.

(A woven pink paper basket - a sheet of woven paper folded, with handle added).

So... I'd love to know if you have any ideas for 3D crafts or homeschooling ideas.... especially for supporting this type of visual learning.... thanks for any ideas!

1 comment:

  1. My 3 year old is currently obsessed with sticky tape... so many fun possibilities as you've shown! What lovely projects! :)
